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6 rue Guillaume Bertrand | 75011 Paris, France | 07 50 23 63 83

Hello and Welcome...

This website is to serve all... to those that don't believe or that don't believe anymore, to those that ask the questions without having satisfactory answers. We want to help those who have faith, who are tring to deepen it aswell, to live it better and to share it.

Our goal is to allow you to reach efficiently and quickly into information and to answer the questions that you have. You will be able to find here:

  • Our bulletins and files around the themes of the Bible, its history and influence over the past two thousand years.
  • Interactive biblical courses.
  • Biblical messages (meditations, exhortations...).
  • A space of dialogue: the mail of the internauts.
  • A generic list of frequently asked questions (FAQ).
  • A lexicon to help you understand the sense of some "religious" words better.
  • Calendar of events.
  • Bible trivia games to test your knowledge.
  • Links to sites that will help you to find what you need.
Enjoy the site and may God blessed you

Copyright 2012 - Église du Christ - Déodat - Paris, France & PM International Web Design