“God hides his face”

Psalm 77.2-16

Do you ever get the impression that God doesn’t hear your prayers? If this is the case, you aren’t alone!

During the colonial period, David Brainerd devoted himself to mission work among the American Indians, and he kept a journal in which he described his spiritual ups and downs.

In one place, he wrote, “I sleep in a haystack, my work is (dur) and extremely difficult, and there is very little apparent success to console me. But what makes all my difficulties worse is that God hides his face from me.”

When God seems not to hear us, when he seems to have “forgotten to be merciful” (Ps. 77.9), what should we do?

Recognize that what we are living is not unique and does not mean that we are excluded from the family of the redeemed of God;

Find another believer with whom to share our feeling and whom we can ask to pray for us (1 Thes. 5.25);

Meditate on the truths of the Scripture and on what God has done for us in the past (Ps. 77.12,13) ;

Continue to pray with faith to our great God, despite the apparent silence from heaven (Luc. 18:1).

Don”t forget that our God is “the God who performs miracles” (Ps. 77.14a).
