Knowing Jesus

Proverbs 22:19-21

God left us his formal instructions for raising children. We have a faithful guide, his Word, whose results are marvelous and blessed.

In a family reunion where many people were gathered, there was a little girl, converted to the Lord Jesus, who loved to talk about her Savior, about the joy and the happiness of being with him forever in heaven.

Among those present was a “very good” but unbelieving man, who, vexed and irritated by the charming simplicity of the child’s witness, said to her, “And what if Jesus was in hell?”

The reply sprang back immediately, “Then it wouldn’t be hell anymore… Praise God!”

In a Sunday school, a teacher asked this question one day: “Can you name me something that is whiter than snow?”

A few brief remarks of no value came as the answer, when suddenly, from the back of the room, a little girl’s voice declared with conviction: “The soul that has been washed in the blood of Jesus.”

Blessed children! These two both know the real value of the blood of the Lamb of God. Jesus who takes away the sins of the world and gives peace… Is this not the blessed result of obedience to the Word of God?

“Jesus asks me to be a ray of sunshine, that gaily makes known

His unequaled love. Oh, in forgetting myself, may I no longer force myself

To be anything for those I love but a reflection of Jesus, may Jesus use me

And may he make me like rays of joy, like soft rays of sunshine.”

—Jules Depiere